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Evangelical Alliance Israel

We, the Evangelical Alliance — Israel, are a cooperative alliance of churches and ministries, many of whom have been serving in the Holy Land since the Mandate period.

The EAI is committed to equipping and empowering its members to be an ever-brighter light in their communities. The EAI exists to foster unity and to provide a nationwide identity, voice, and platform to evangelical believers in Israel.

Our membership is made up of over thirty churches and organizations at work in fields from worship to pilgrimage, medicine to education, and elder care to refugee ministry. Our aim is the edification of the Body of Christ with an emphasis on unity, witness, and reconciliation across ethnic, religious, and cultural boundaries. Our concern is redemptive renewal among Israel’s peoples. Our motivation is honor to the Lord Jesus. Please feel free to browse through our Members.

The EAI is a member of the World Evangelical Alliance and the European Evangelical Alliance.